Monday 5 March 2012

Might is Right!

Personal power to me is that special ability one can develop to free themselves from the culture around them, so they can choose where and how they place their energy in service to the world and themselves, and intentionally shaping the very culture they have freed their own selves from. It is a life-long journey requiring wisdom and the courage to explore dimensions of power that many around us don’t see and don’t know how to appreciate until we ourselves do. Our dominate culture doesn’t allow us to see beyond it but as they say ‘achievers never stop challenging themselves to accomplish their very best in every aspect of life’. And this is what sets them apart and defines who they are. Individual in a mass.Have you ever had the desire to create an even larger net worth? To establish deep and lasting relationships? To follow through on an idea for a project or vision? To take your career to the “next level” you always desired for?What’s stopping you? What’s holding you back?“You have an infinite amount of power that can drive you to your full potential.”So, what's keeping you from stepping into the most powerful and unstoppable destiny possible?
All you have to do is give yourself a reality check and own power which lies within you.
Let's dive deeper into the curious cave of personal power and trust. Owning your power is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling connections and achieving your potential. It’s like standing for your believe in your own self. You give your power away when you make someone outside of you more important than what you hold inside of you. You give away your power when you …Keep on doubting yourself, your abilities and capabilities. You over-empower others by looking for approval and validation, giving them the power to hurt you.Forget that you know what you're doing, and you are good at it.Have poor will power, self control and boundaries. Allow yourself to be intimidated by bluster and emotional assaults from other people.Don't honour and share your truth.Albert Ellis, a famous psychologist quoted "Reality is not so much what happens to us; rather, it is how we think about those events that create the reality we experience. In a very real sense, this means that we each create the reality in which we live."
Its upto us how we want to see the things, see the reality and owning our power means speaking our truth, honouring our sensitivity, and believing in ourself. Our life experience, education, personal relationships, and curiosity make us wise. Always believe in yourself and protect your personal power. We can do it by:

Learning to say "No" and mean it.Stand up for yourself and believe in yourself, no matter what.Stand on the courage of your convictions.Embrace the fact you have the right be treated respectfully by other people.Be detached by observing other people’s behaviour without attachment to the outcome. AndAsk for what you need and want. In the end it is “YOU” who matters.

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